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Workshop | Master the Flash | Sat, July 27 | 9-12 am Eastern Time | Live via Zoom

July 27, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT


$55 | Saturday, July 27, 2024, 9-12 am Eastern Time | Live via Zoom

Writers with whom I’ve worked find almost instant success with the short form known as flash essay, flash nonfiction, or micro-memoir. I love teaching folks how to write these, because this form can open doors to fabulous places. I got introduced to it only a few years ago, and it has changed my life and my thinking. The short essay holds infinite possibilities for publishing—from a magazine-ready piece, to a well-crafted social-media post, to meaningful newsletter copy, to a short chapter in a book.

I’ll guide you in writing a short essay or two in one morning from the comfort of your own writing room or backyard. Make yourself a thermos of tea and Zoom with me from idea to finished product in a matter of a few hours.


1. You get an inspired space to ship the work.

2. You get Janisse to motivate you.

3. You get a guide for every step of the way.

4. You get to leave with a short essay that’s either ready or close to being ready.

5. You get to feel like you did your job.

6. You get useful handouts.

7. You get publishing ideas.

8. You get time to ask questions.

9.You get to see other people, like you, working toward their goals & visions.

10.You get to try your hand at the flash essay.


You will receive a Zoom link for the workshop. Please note that participant numbers are not limited.


July 27, 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT


Online via Zoom